Monday, March 30, 2009

Ambigram : I HV NO MONEY !

I was actually trying to make some other phrase, but accidently I designed an ambigram for "I HV NO MONEY!". 

Symbiotogram request by a visitor Susan

Susan: Can you please help with a numeric symbiotogram. I would like it to read 27 one way and 07 other way

Me: Here is your numeric symbiotogram, its not really perfect, but this is the closest that I could get, I will work on this a little more to see if there can be a better option. Do leave your comments. 

Ambigram of Rahul

A very simple ambigram, actually it is an ambigram by default, somewhat like natural ambigrams.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ambigram for Pratik

This is for my senior Pratik. 

Here, P is looks like K, R looks like I, A looks like T in the inverted view.

Ambigram of Sushant

A simple ambigram for my classmate Sushant.

Here, S is made to look like T in the inverted view, U looks like N, S looks like A and H remains H in each view.

How to create Numerical Ambigrams

Now we shall see how to create numerical ambigrams. Firstly they are not as simple as they sound. Rather they are more difficult than ambigrams of letters. To start lets take up some number e.g. 989271127686. Write it on a paper and then below that write it again inverted to match numericals at corresponding location.

If you observe, 9 looks like 6, 8 remains 8, 1 remains 1. So we are left with only 2s n 7s in the whole number. After that, try modifying 2 n 7 to look like each other in both directions

Finally, we have a NUMERICAL AMBIGRAM of this number ready. You can confirm this by doing a hand-stand and reading this number agai. ;)

Will try to post a few more numerical ambigrams soon. If you like this plz leave a comment.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Symbiotogram of Anika and Dylan

An attempt at making a symbiotogram of anika - dylan. It was requested by someone on yahoo answers.

Symbiotograms of Neha and Ankit

This is just a sample of best symbiotgram that i could make. will post more.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How To Create Ambigrams: Part I

Well, to say that one can describe/teach how to create ambigrams will be incorrect. But by seeing examples, tricks and with little practice one can develop the art of making Ambigrams.

We will now see how to make ambigrams for some words. Select a word that you would want to make an ambigram for. Write it on a paper and below it repeat it inverted, like this.

After that, try to match alphabets which can be easily modified, twisted or bended slightly to look like corresponding alphabet in the opposite image.

To begin with our letter HARTLEY, if you carefully observe, the H in upper text and Y in lower text can be modified to get correct alphabet in corresponding direction. 
One good thing about ambigrams is that if you crack one word, one more gets cracked and hence we can work on ambigrams from two ends. Like in our case first letter H in upper text matches with inverted Y in lower text, similarly last letter Y in upper text matches with inverted H in lower text. 

Next, we work on A & inverted E, which is very simple as shown below. If you keep working on ambigrams you get used to such pairs which you will come across in most words. So ambigrams are all about practice.

Similarly, if you try to use R in such a way that looks like L in inverted view, we get R-L pair and now we are left with the only alphabet T. 
When the number of letters are odd, making ambigrams can be a little tricky for those alphabets which cannot look like themselves in inverted view. Luckily, it is very easy to make T look like T in inverted image. Some other alphabets which are easy are: O, S, N, Q, I, F, H, J, L, Z, X.

Finally !!! We have the ambigram ready. See for yourself if it indeed looks like HARTLEY in the inverted image.